A Wash of Weasel Words
Weasel Words
Anyone acknowledge, comment on, or deny Chaudhry's letter? Strange (or should we say "normal") not a word about it from Mayor Hahn, City Council, or Villaraigosa, huh?
Did you notice the Villaraigosa weasel words when asked if Villaraigosa thought corruption existed in the Hahn administration? Tough question. Hard to say yes when you are part of the problem. If Villaraigosa said yes, then we would have had to ask: Why didn't you do anything about it?
Instead Villaraigosa stated the problem wasn't the corruption. The problem was the "corruption investigation." Here we go again... Blame the messenger. Actually the real problem is the Los Angeles Times has never been very good at covering politics -- too biased. How about a story on City mis-management?
The debate was a battle of words. No honorable deeds, actions, or legitimate efforts during either of their terms. Just empty meaningless words that stand in contradiction to both of their terms in office -- words like: "building trust," "honesty," "integrity," "working for the citizens."
The truth only came out when they spoke about the other. Is this the best we can offer Los Angeles?
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